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MORE OFTEN THAN NOT, we adopt beliefs (such as evolution) because they are popular, are what our parents thought, or what we were taught in school. We are also led by our desires—accepting, justifying, and validating that which fits the lifestyle we wish to live and the security we long for. What we settle upon has little to do with truth, proof, or hard science. Beliefs are usually just popular and unambitious sorts of things. They percolate through the masses taking on a grandeur that does not fit their intellectually homely beginnings.

Evolution, in the broad atom-to-man sense, is an egregious example of a widely accepted belief that has been adopted for all the wrong reasons: it's what our teachers believe, what many religious leaders believe, is intellectually vogue, it keeps good scientific company, and justifies amoral freedom and unaccountability. Facts, logic, and evidence barely have a chance against those powerful reasons to accept and retain this belief.

The previous articles should at least give reason to suspect that evolution is really not all about science. In fact, science bedevils the concept; it does not justify or prove it. Evolution is an extraordinary claim that requires extraordinary evidence. After all, is it not saying, in essence, that humans will arise out of muck given enough time? Instead of solid facts and logic, we see something more like clever lawyering to exonerate a defendant who is guilty as sin. Nevertheless, if a stupendous story is repeated often enough in the most prestigious circles, the story, the story itself, becomes the evidence.

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